Bowling With The Houndstooth Shirt – New Thrill And Style


Bowling With The Houndstooth Shirt - New Thrill And StyleBowling can be a lot of fun, especially when you are in the right kind of attire. Winning or losing is a different matter though. You would always appreciate the fact that others are liking the way you dress even though your bowling skills are not up to the mark.

Ok, coming to the point! I am not that good in this sport and hence try to remain as cool as I possibly can. You can now guess about the clothing line that I choose when coming to such weekend groups. The houndstooth pattern is one of the best that I can think of. Randy with the Cheeseburger comes second here and I cannot explain the reason behind this choice. It’s just the way it is. And you never know when someone really cute and beautiful likes your love for the trailer park boys!

Haven’t really found the one, so the search is still on. Hopefully one of these sessions gets me close to that person. Till then the trailer park love keeps me going on and on.