Wall Calendar Trailer Park Boys 2016 – True Fan Stuff!


Trailer Park Boys 2016 Wall Calendar by NMR CalendarsWhat happens when you cannot live without the TPB boys? You need the Trailer Park wall calendar my friend! You don’t have to switch on the laptop or watch YouTube for witnessing the misadventures of the trailer park residents. It is right there on the wall. Just flip through the pages and refresh the memories. Frankly speaking, this is true fan stuff. It is okay to watch the movies and the TV series but the real meaning comes through various accessories, including shirts. No wonder, the product has a 4.8 Star out of 5 rating on Amazon.

The height of the calendar is 12 inches and width too, 12 inches in size. It is like your laptop screen. NMR calendars, the company behind this product, is known to produce quality accessories for many popular groups.

A TPB fan would also love to have this as a birthday gift. Another important thing is that the thing commands a low price tag. Something that I like because I know the hassles of dealing with low pocket money and the weight of numerous desires!