Trailer Park Wars Boardgame – Winning With Flamingos



Bring out your good sense of humor and you will find immense fun and joy when playing the Trailer Park Wars board game. I would rather comment that you might get obsessed with it!

Try organizing a  game night with friends dressed in TPB shirts and you will have a pleasant surprise regarding the amount of fun that comes along with this game.

You can also try this one as a variation.


How To Play Trailer Park Wars Game?

When playing Trailer Park Wars game you have to keep winning or gaining flamingos as they represent points. Once the game starts every player gets the opportunity to arrange 12 trailers. It is like representing a clock. There are random cards containing the names of parks belonging to individual players. These cards are placed in the middle.

4 Types of cards in Trailer Park Wars

  • Cards representing Natural Disaster. These have negative effects for the player in opposition
  • Tenant Cards contain attributes such as job, age etc. They are worth a certain amount of flamingos and have their own strategic places in the park. For example, a weak old lady card will not be placed along side a hip-hop music artist.
  • Amenities Cards have the power to bring more points in situations
  • Actions Cards are used against opponents. They also help the player in question.


The game starts with seven cards. During the course of play each player has to play three cards and discard one of them. Post this action you need to draw back up to seven.

Slowly the flamingos will start depleting and in the end the player in possession with the most number of flamingos wins the contest.

It might take a while to get a hang of the game but once the action starts there is absolutely no looking back!

You can go through this video to have more clarity.



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