Classy Trailer Park Boys Theme Ringtone – Download


trailer park boys theme ringtone


It’s always soothing to hear the trailer park boys theme ringtone.

For me personally, it brings a ton of beautiful college memories. I have spent many beautiful weekends watching the trailer park boys show and it feels good to hear the ringtone and feel all those memories that comes along.

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Complete Collection DVD 10-pack


If you are someone looking to start watching now it is best to follow the order or sequence to enjoy the storyline to the core.

There were movies and TV shows coming in between the seasons and hence the watching the show in order will be helpful in following the plot.

Download The Trailer Park Boys Theme Ringtone

Click on the button and the ringtone will download to your system or mobile device.


This tone is quite calm in nature and people around you will surely enjoy the tune, including those who have no idea about the trailer park boys.


What defines a good ringtone in general?


You are sitting in a bus or train and all of a sudden a loud tone on someone’s phone disturbs the ambience of the surroundings. That’s harsh music by the way and is quite annoying. Most passengers will dish out stern glances to convey the feelings.

The kind of ringtone you possess provides subtle clues about the personality. It is equivalent to food or beverage preferences. Like an artists displays the inner thoughts via paintings, the tones on your mobile device reveal the preferences of the character.

Of course, music is infinite in nature and what’s ok for me might not even figure in your probables.

But for the sake of clarity, lets us look at some salient points that might justify good ringtones in general.

  • A good tone is soothing but clearly audible at the same time. It cannot be too soft because then you might miss out hearing it in outdoor conditions.
  • It cannot be too general in nature like the default ones that come with the handsets. Having a unique ringing tone will make sure that you pick the sound almost instantly. I am sure, the trailer park boys theme ringtone will be an instant catch.
  • The last point deals with the comfort factor from an outside perspective. The tone should not be obstructive in nature. Ideally, it should be something that most find comfortable to hear in different conditions.

Go ahead and install the ringtone in your device and feel the difference that it creates. You might find people asking about it in general.

Chances are, you might connect with other fans with ease!