Is It The Same Trailer Park For Each TPB Season?


It took a while for the show to gain momentum and get the cash flows running. The Trailer park where the actual shooting took place was never meant to be a permanent location. It is actually use and move on concept. Hence the first four seasons were created in different locations across Canada ( Nova Scotia)


trailer park boys season 1

How did they finally end in Dartmouth?


Almost on all locations the local residents started complaining. Some people have an inherent problem with showbiz and seem to oppose it under any pretext. The crew had to leave those locations since the complaints kept mounting in.

Finally, it made sense to have their own set in Dartmouth which you can see from Season 5 onwards.

Moving on we had several locations in Europe and United States where the entire group did the shows as well as promotional events. From another perspective, home is where the boys are. So it doesn’t really matter what the place is like. Brings on the trailers and get the boys going, that’s how the magic comes alive.