Hip Hop Dance Organic Cotton T-Shirt For Men With Short Sleeve



Hip Hop Dance Organic Cotton T-Shirt For Men With Short Sleeve blackHip Hop Dance Organic Cotton T-Shirt For Men With Short Sleeve


The holiday season will bring out a lot of dance that needs some vent out! It might be more of a frustration than celebration! I am not referring to the parties that you organize during the Halloweens but rather the freaky events that are held way deep into the night. The hip hop dance t-shirt is a good one for such events. The dance step shown on the shirt is not possible for me but I can still garner some motivation from the print.

The definition of the design is also extremely simple. An inverted figure in yellow with the word “Dance” written in bold and dark just below it. You cannot miss the focus word at all and the onlookers ought to get the message loud and clear. This is a good one if you are going for a dance event and willing to cheer for the performers.

There are 4 different background shades to choose from. The ones I appreciate are the black crew neck and the white one. These are classic color combinations.