Where Is Sunnyvale Trailer Park In Real Life?

where is sunnyvale trailer park

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just drive into the Sunnyvale trailer park and meet the boys as well as other characters?

Wishful thinking kept aside, it is somewhat difficult to accept that Sunnyvale trailer park might just be a figment of imagination.

But of course, the shooting of trailer park boys took place in an actual trailer park somewhere in Nova Scotia, Lower Sackville area.

As the series progressed and the show gained popularity, the makers decided to set up their own trailer park. This was indeed good news for some residents near the original shooting location who often complained about lack of peace.


Wondering about the real Sunnyvale trailer park?



If you are one among the fans searching for the real name of Sunnyvale trailer park the sincere advice would be to conserve energies and look for the current production location.

The pilot for the show was produced in Spryfield, Nova Scotia and the four seasons were created in different trailer parks in nearby locations.


Why living in a trailer park is fascinating


First and foremost you don’t have to pay property tax and maintain a whole file of your existence.

Want to change the ambience? Just shift the trailer to a new position! The process is obviously easy and happens in the spur of the moment.