Trailer Park Boys Mountain Lion Episode 6 In Season 4 – Bubbles Adopts The Animal

trailer park boys mountain lion


What’s the name of the mountain lion featured in the trailer Park boys? Not many would know the answer or might not remember it. Well, he’s the iconic ‘Shit Lion’ known as Steve French. How was this animal discovered? This is another funny story!

Steve French consumes the dope growing in the fields and is found by the boys in a stoned condition.

So, how does this name arise? Apparently Bubbles feels that the mountain lion has moustache marks that are seemingly French looking.

How did the trailer Park boys mountain lion get off dope?

trailer park boys mountain lion shirt

Bubbles weans him of dope during feeding time. He hides the buds in the food while in the park.

During the initial phase Steve French has a desire to remain with bubbles. But then bubbles explains the situation and he starts chasing a female mountain lion too.

You can also find the Steve in the animated series. The best part is that he speaks in a French accent!

Season 4 episode 6 –If You Love Something Set It Free




trailer park boys season 4 dvd


Important talking points of this episode

  • The boys form a patrol party with Corey and Trevor and investigate some of the pot fields where they have found trampled plants. They can’t explain the reason, so they arm themselves using potato guns and start hunting for intruders. And then Corey and Trevor are under attack, but they are not sure who is attacking.


  • Once it gets clear that Lahey and Corey are having strange scratches the boys realize that the patrolling time is over. Sarah is extremely angry and decides not to let them work for Ricky and Julian.


  • However, the boys come back to the fields looking for answers and clues. And then Bubbles discovers a trail following which they find a peacefully resting mountain lion!


  • Bubbles is confident that the animal poses no danger since he has eaten high quantities of weed. And then he names the animal as explained above. He wants to carry out some detox process on him and hence takes him back to the park.


  • Julian is not convinced and finds the whole process extremely dangerous. However, Bubbles is confident, and the boys set off taking the animal along with them. They tie the animal to the shed but ultimately Steve French escapes.


  • And then Steve does the unthinkable! He steals all the burgers from Randy when they’re being barbecued. He is stunned and shocked. Jim Lahey arrives in the scene after Steve French has left and hence, he is unaware of what has happened.


  • He accuses Randy of eating all the burgers. Julian arrives and they both discuss about the possibility of a Mountain Lion roaming around in the park. But then, Randy’s secret is out. Julian knows that he’s contaminating burgers by adding Viagra into them.


  • Everyone is searching for the mountain lion, but Bubbles is the first one to discover him again. He quickly hides Steve in the shed. Julian is worried about a tracking tag that Steve French is wearing. He feels that this can be used to discover the crop of weeds. The next best place for hiding Steve French turns out to be J-Roc’s trailer since he’s already languishing in jail.


  • But his crew panics and more importantly J-Roc appears out of nowhere. He explains that he was not in jail but providing community service and hence was hiding under the trailer for a long time. During all this commotion the mountain lion escapes again.


  • Because Steve French has eaten a lot of Viagra infested burgers, he is aroused by Trevor’s leopard print jacket. In a strange turn off events Trevor claims that he was molested by the animal. The boys use the Viagra burgers discovery to threaten Lahey to prevent him from calling the cops. The boys then set off to find the animal.


  • They finally mix some dope in the food and make Steve French dizzy and carry him away in the car. Reluctantly Bubbles releases the mountain lion into the woods. He is sad and the boys share the sadness amongst themselves.