The Green GB Bubbles – Iconic Episode In Trailer Park Boys

gb parts unknown shirt


It has given rise to so many memes and gifs. When Bubbles posed as the GB man in the costume, he created an iconic episode in the process.

You have got to watch the antics in Season 4 Episode 4 of the Trailer Park Boys.




Merchandise inspired by Green Bubbles costume




If you are planning for a Halloween dress based on this theme, the above options are surely going to help.


The Green GB Bubbles Funny Gif


Bubbles Trailer GIF - Bubbles Trailer Park GIFs


The parts are unknown as Bubbles claims and this gif is something that I would like to forward in the Watsapp groups!

What Happens In The  TV Episode?



The supervisor and Randy need to square off with Ricky and they do so in a tag team match with Bubbles in the green costume. Jim tries some unfair moves to dish out blows to Ricky but Bubbles intervenes in the process.


But they get disqualified because the referee feels that there are way too many bodies inside the fight arena. You got to watch the episode to feel this energy.