Dreaming Of Living The Trailer Park Boys Life In The Park



Living in trailer parks has always been part of the North American culture. Yes, the Trailer Park Boys show has certainly upped the ante as far as the popularity of such parks are concerned but living the nomadic ( somewhat ) kind of life has always been a topic on several bucket lists.

Park communities are integral components of the American landscape. They offer numerous advantage such as affordable housing solutions for a large section of the population.

Advantages Of Living The Trailer Park Life


As mentioned above the one word that immediately comes across is affordability which is perhaps the key building block for several families. These trailers are easy to build and are significantly cheaper when you look at traditional home setups.

In fact, they provide lifeline to those with limited financial resources. If Ricky had the money to buy a flat in Manhattan, he wouldn’t be sleeping in the shitmobile! Nevertheless, within the realms of the great American dream, there is no cheaper housing plan that this.

Bonding with fellow residents

As we have often seen in the Sunnyvale saga, there are some real strong bonds among the trailer park residents. Similar economic circumstances bring in a deep sense of connection which is otherwise hard to find in this busy world.

Good old evenings

This is the real fun part. The warm social gatherings bring in a sense of belonging in the world. You feel the spirit when talking with other trailer buddies and sharing meals. This automatically brings in a vibrant social life which is free from the business type feelings that one associates in urban settings.

Freedom and independence

You have the mobile home and there is chance to create your own life settings. You can also tune the environment that matches personality traits. This offers a unique sense of freedom.


What Are The Challenges?

All is not rosy when you are living in a trailer park. The environment has its own unique chain of challenges which you have encounter and acknowledge.

  • First thing is the lack of space. You will have to accept the fact that space would be tight and hence, there is always a need for creative storage solutions.
  • The homes are subject to greater wear and tear and hence maintenance costs might increase on an annual basis.
  • Some residents feel a kind of inferiority feeling when comparing themselves with regular home owners


Given a decent chance there are many among us who would like to live along Ricky, Bubbles and Julian or in similar settings. I wish the boys offer an experimental program in this category so that fans may have a realistic chance to dive into the storyline.