The Tragically Hit Bobcaygeon Song In Trailer Park Boys Movie Still Revives Emotions


The Bobcaygeon song in the Trailer Park Boys Movie soundtrack brings its own kind of nostalgia.

The song comes from the truly Canadian band The Tragically Hip or as most call it “The Hip”.

The lead singer Gord Downie and the entire band has a long standing connection with the TPB group. Downie passing away in the year 2017 was a huge loss to the industry.

Downie also forms a part of actors involved in Trailer Park. He appeared as a cop along with fellow musician Alex Lifeson in the first installment of the movie series.

Bobcaygeon Trailer park boys movie soundtrack invokes nostalgia



The background music is soothing to the core. In fact, the sound is somewhat contrary to the series as the park residents are involved in energetic and often illegal activities.

When the band released their single “Darkest One” the boys made their appearance in the music video which really upped the ante.


bobcaygeon trailer park boys

Never in their wildest dreams had the makers imagined that the series would gain this kind of popularity. Now that new seasons are not coming fans are waiting for that one extra drop; one more season please.