Reggie Gives Rise To Reggieisms In The Trailer Park Boys Show

reggie trailer park boys


The trailer park boys show has given rise to some interesting characters. Most of them have a global appeal.

Michael Kennedy plays the character Reggie in the trailer park boys series. His flip mouhted statements have given rise to something called as “Reggieisms”.

These words are in the same league as Rickyisms.

Words like “puppy-suckers” are now part of viral memes across several platforms.

Reggie in TPB shares a friendly bond with Ricky. The man owns a scrapyard and is hallucinated on most occasions. Perhaps his closeness with Ricky gives him the spur to bring out such well-crafted words like “Shit tiger teabaggin”!

He is mainly on LSD and mushrooms and his swear words involve a host of animals. There are many scenes where one can see him collecting scrap from the scrapyard.

Get the full DVD set and enjoy the series on weekends.

trailer park boys season 1-9