Decorated War Hero Colonel Leslie Dancer Despises The Liquor

colonel leslie dancer

He calls it the enemy and feels that liquor must be destroyed at all costs. Colonel Leslie Dancer, the decorated war hero has had several issues with alcohol.

Jim and Barb Lahey brought him on to protect Sunnyvale but later on in the series we come to know that he is a private.

This leads to a lot of mockery and eventually the term ” Private Dancer” comes up in several conversations.

Colonel Leslie Dancer – Season 9 and 10


The first appearance is in Season 9 right at the gate. He searches Tyrone’s car citing level 4 security protocol.

The main reason for his anxiety during that time was that Ricky and Julian were back in the park after jail time.

And then comes the PA announcement regarding mandatory curfew for park safety!

J-Roc wants to have a blast and starts off the rap music at Talko’s Taco location. But who can stop Colonel Leslie Dancer? He destroys the radio and receives applause from the residents.

Dancer knows how to provoke Ricky ( who actually dislikes him a lot).

When Ricky tires to drive crossing the gate ( after provocation) he realizes that the tires are blown out.


More provocation for Ricky and family!


season 10 trailer park boys


There comes the bugle trumpet and he announces the breakfast for that day. A hilarious scene comes up now. Ricky tries to be the smart guy buy attempting to urinate on the gate but Leslie is one step ahead. He turn on the electric fence and stuns Ricky!

Bubbles also tries to play the hero and confronts Lahey and Dancer ( about not letting Ricky and family inside the park). However, Dancer narrates one of the war stories and that in turn scares the hell out of Bubbles. The man runs away from the scene.

In one scene Lahey tries to convince Julian to stay on inside the park premises but he prefers the new one. But Dancer remains suspicious.

And yes, Randy is not spared either. Colonel is not happy that he shows his pot belly everywhere. Then comes a punch in the gut and that forces Randy to wear a vest. But wait, there is some more in the form of punishment. They have to remove weeds from the flower garden now.

Dancer is very particular about rules and does not spare even Lahey.

The Antics and Confrontation Continue



Ricky does not want more trouble and flips off the army man when questions about his methodology of entering the park crop up. Bubbles faces the heat when Cory fails to prepare food for the residents.

Our hero Ricky tries to get on the nerves of Leslie but the attempts backfire. When Ricky plays loud music, Dancer brings out the air raid siren to quell him off.

In a scene at Donna’s house the army veteran is  enraged to find Randy full on drunk. He wants to know the source of the booze but Randy pisses him off. This leads to confrontation and Dancer bans Randy from the park. And then Dancer checks out on Julian regarding the availability of liquor inside the park.

Leslie does not spare Randy and Lahey and bars them from entering the park. He feels that Randy needs the punishment for bringing booze inside the park. Lahey tries to bring reason into the situation and tells him that he is an employee and not the owner. And then Ricky starts his party and shooting with the residents. Dancer takes this opportunity head on and fires rubber bullets to chase him out.

Dancer has a breakdown



Dancer is trying everything to infuse Randy with some discipline! He smells liquor and reprimands him. Dancer visits Lahey’s home and finds a stash of booze. He gets a kind of a shock. And then Randy spills out the beans! He informs Lahey that Dancer is no armyman but instead a private. Thus, the employment of Leslie comes to a rapid end. He has some sort of a breakdown and then forces them to destroy the alcohol ( at gun point).

Now that he has lost his job, the man is on a full swing. He somehow steals a tank and uses it to destroy park properties. The boys take him on and make fun him. Finally, the police arrive and the scene comes to a close.


Some more fun in Season 10


season 10 dvd trailer park boys


Colonel Leslie Dancer is now out from the medical facilities. The man now works at a hardware store. When Lahey faces trouble by Barb he intends to get Dancer back by making him drink again.

In one scene the two stack up the car with hay and fuel and ramp it up against Julian’s bar. Finally Lahey calms down and drops his desire to kill Julian but Leslie wants to continue with it.